Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last Night I Dreamed I Was A Swan

Some of us have a face that only a mother could love. Perhaps the Turkey Vulture has a face that fits its role in nature. The Turkey Vulture is a scavenger and feeds almost exclusively on carrion. It finds its meals using its keen vision and sense of smell, flying low enough to detect the gasses produced by the beginnings of the process of decay in dead animals. Lacking a syrinx—the vocal organ of birds—its only vocalizations are grunts or low hisses. But he posed nicely for his portrait.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Grass Tassel

Grass Tassel, originally uploaded by Swampier.

I was retrieving my paper this morning while the sprinkler was going. I noticed the light glistening off the droplets of water on the fountain grass. I went in the house to drop off the paper and grabbed my camera. I took a few shots of the tassels (I was in my jammies) and the droplets and details showed up pretty well.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lilies of the Rain

Lily in the Rain, originally uploaded by Swampier.

My new zoom lens was just delivered and I couldn't wait to use it, but it was raining. So I leaned out over the deck and took some photos of my lilies in the rain from about 20 feet away.
Click on photo to see my other photos of the lilies (best in large size).
Follow blog entries below to see what happened to my lilies.

Doe (Lily Eater)

Doe (Lily Eater), originally uploaded by Swampier.

I caught this Doe eating my beautiful lilies. I snuck out onto the deck overlooking the doe and snapped this photo as she looked up at me. I was about 10 feet away.

Okay, This One Makes Me Cringe

Doe Eye (full of ticks), originally uploaded by Swampier.

When I zoomed in on the picture of the Doe, I noticed all of the deer ticks around her eye. Then instead of feeling angry at her for eating all my lilies, I felt a little sorry for her malady.

Best seen (for full gross out) at large size.

Doe Eye Reflection

Doe Eye Reflection, originally uploaded by Swampier.

When I looked at the other eye of the Doe, I thought saw she had some kind of coating or problem. Then I realized that the lines were too straight to be an affliction. Finally I saw the reflection of my atrium windows was what was in her eye!
Click on photo and choose all sizes above it to see it better.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Redbelly, originally uploaded by Swampier.

I'm not an ornithologist (studier of birds) but I've tried to identify most of the birds that frequent my backyard. This is a red bellied woodpecker. Not sure why they are called red bellied when the predominant area that is colored red is on the head, except that the name Red Headed Woodpecker was already taken by another bird. But they have just a tinge of red on their belly, so...there you go.

For four years we had a favorite red belly, whom my husband once referred to as Dumb Belly and the name stuck. Dumb Belly started out by flying into our windows repetitively with quite a bang but somehow survived and kept coming back. Dumb Belly later took to flying up to a window, pecking on it then flying to another and pecking on it. We used to play a game trying to choose which window Dumb Belly would peck at next, and even made bets sometimes (sort of Dumb Belly roulette). In the spring Dumb Belly would come to our bedroom window and hang by his claws on the screen and peck at the window. I would talk to him and tap back on the inside of the window, repeating his pecking pattern. Dumb Belly would occasionally not be seen for months but then would show up and play the game again. After four years, Dumb Belly disappeared for good. This photo is not of Dumb Belly but I would like to think it is a Dumb Belly descendant. If you click on the photo it will take you to Flickr where you can view it in a larger size and look around at my other photos (birds and other things).

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day Trippers Visit MoBot During Storm

Pink & White, originally uploaded by Swampier.

There is a great group of gals that get together about once a month for lunch and other activities. I think I have worked with each of them some time or another and have known many of these women for more years than I care to remember. Most are retired now, but some are still working (or working again) but they still try to meet with us when they can. This month we went to Missouri Botanical Garden. While trying to get together coupons and pay for our tickets, a very generous lady bought tickets for all of us to get in! We must remember this gesture and pay it forward. It was a dark, stormy day and I only got a few pictures, mostly in the Climatron. If you click on the picture above, you can look at my other pictures on Flickr. The pictures are best viewed at large size. Click on the set called MoBot to see the other photos taken there. You can also see them as a slideshow by clicking in the upper right corner on the Flickr page. Please comment on any pictures that might deserve a comment. The picture above has received some recognition from Flickr members.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Creeped Out

MA Car #2, originally uploaded by Swampier.

While attending an out of town meeting, we stayed at the small town's only motel. Parked outside our rooms were two cars, both of which were so stuffed that the driver could not possibly see out the back window. There was no room for passengers. We thought it might be two people traveling together but in separate cars, staying at the same motel. But we later found out from some town folk that both cars belonged to Margaret Ann, the town eccentric. Apparently she owns 4 or 5 buildings that are so stuffed (just like the cars) that she cannot even live in them, but stays at the motel. At dusk on the first evening, I saw some movement in the window of one car and then I snapped some photos. This photo shows the creatures in the car. I was creeped out enough by this and the thought that they might be running around the motel that I couldn't sleep. But all I could feel for Margaret Ann was sadness. Click on the photo, then on All Sizes to get a closer view.

Numero Uno

2 Birds on a Limb, originally uploaded by Swampier.

My first post to my first blog should probably be something profound, but that just isn't going to happen. It seems rather egocentric to post something out in the Interworld and assume that someone (anyone) is going to want to read it. But I see this as a way to share my photos with those who ask about them and keep some others up to date on my mundane but pleasant life. Besides, I don't want to lag too far behind all those who are spacebooking, bleeting (*), I-touching, or whatever all those new-fangled things are and this is my foray into modern communication. I have graduated from e-mail. Woo-hoo!